Plastic fantastic

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Plastic fantastic


Golf balls, toys, bottles, bubble gum - they are all made from different types of plastic.


Plastics are a synthetic material.

synthetic materials
made from petrochemicals

They are made from petrochemicals that come from crude oil.


Plastic is formed from long chains of molecules called polymers.

These long chains are what make plastics strong and durable.

They are difficult for microorganisms to break down.

That's why plastics are non-biodegradable.


Plastics last for a very long time in the environment.

This can cause problems for wildlife both on land and at sea.

One of the biggest culprits is the plastic carrier bag.

It is estimated that we consume a staggering 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags in the world every year.

The plastic bag is so popular because of its extraordinary strength, its lightweight properties and its low cost.

It is hard to imagine life without it, but perhaps science has a solution – bioplastics.


made from natural materials
such as vegetable oils and potatoes

Scientists have invented new materials called bioplastics.

Bioplastics are made from natural materials, such as vegetable oil and potatoes.

Bioplastics are also strong and lightweight, but crucially, they can be broken down easily by microorganisms, meaning that they are biodegradable.


They can be used for food packaging and carrier bags.

At the moment, bioplastics are not widely available.

Until they are we need to cut down the amount of plastic we consume, recycle what we can, and safely dispose of everything else.


Video info

In this film types of synthetic plastics are examined ... including biodegradable plastics known as bioplastics.

Learning points

  • Bioplastics are made from natural materials and are biodegradable.

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