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Choosing suitable materials


Imagine you have arrived on Earth from another galaxy.

You need to pick materials that will help you survive in your new environment.

You could do this by testing the properties of different materials.

These are the qualities that affect how they are used.

To stay dry, it would be pointless making a shelter out of sponge.

The water would pass through the sponge because it is permeable.


A better choice would be a waterproof sheet of plastic tarpaulin.


Plastic is also flexible, so you can shape it easily into a shelter, and it is durable, so it will last a long time.


What material would you choose to sleep on?

Not metal – it's hard and it's a thermal conductor.

thermal conductor

It wouldn't be comfortable and would carry heat away from your body, so you would become cold.

A soft foam mattress that is a thermal insulator would be much more comfortable, and would keep you warm.

thermal insulator

You will also need to find food.

If you made a raft you could go fishing.

What material would be best for this job?

It needs to be readily available, strong enough to bear your weight, and, of course, it needs to float.


A wooden boat would be perfect.


Now all you need is to find a material that will burn so you can cook your dinner. Any thoughts?

The properties of a material will affect how it is used.

Imagine you are from another galaxy. You have just arrived on Earth.

You need materials that will help you survive here.

To choose the right materials, you need to test their properties.

Properties are features that affect how a material is used.

What will you use to build a shelter?
A shelter made of sponge would not keep you very dry.

Water would pass through, because sponge is permeable.


Plastic would be better, because it is waterproof


Plastic is also flexible, so it can be shaped into a shelter. And it is durable, so it will last a long time.


What material would you choose to sleep on?

Metal would be uncomfortable, because it is hard. It is also a thermal conductor.

thermal conductor

This means it would carry heat away from your body, making you feel cold.

A foam mattress is soft, and it is a thermal insulator. So, this material would be comfortable and warm.

thermal insulator

You will also need to find food.

If you made a boat, you could go fishing.

What material would you use to make a boat?

It needs to be easy to find. It needs to be strong enough to carry you. And it needs to float.


Wood is a good choice of material for a boat.


Now you need a material that burns, so you can make a fire to cook your dinner. Do you have any ideas?

The properties of a material will affect how it is used.

Video info

If you were an alien who had just landed on Earth, what materials would you use to help you survive?

Learning points

  • The properties of a material determine how it is used in daily life.

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